From Fields to Woolworths: A Tale of Quality & Commitment

In an industry where quality and consistency are paramount, Stirling Ranges Beef, under the stewardship of Paul O’Meehan, has been named Woolworths’ 2023 Meat Supplier of the Year. This accolade was presented at the prestigious Trade Partner awards dinner, a glittering event that saw around 1,000 attendees at Sydney’s Convention Centre.

The Secret to Success: It’s All in the Details

Paul O’Meehan, representing the heart and soul of Western Australian lotfeeding, attributes this monumental recognition to the ‘one percenters’—those small but significant details that cumulate to set Stirling Ranges Beef apart. This philosophy of meticulous attention to detail has been the cornerstone of our partnership with Woolworths, a relationship nurtured over more than four decades, beginning with Paul’s father in the late 1970s.

Sustainability and Innovation at Daniel’s Well

Located in the lush landscapes 400km southeast of Perth, Daniel’s Well feedlot is more than just a facility; it’s the embodiment of our commitment to sustainability and innovation. With a 5,000-head capacity, our feedlot is designed to value-add the grain produced from the surrounding 12,500ha of farmland. By producing all the grain requirements and most of the silage and hay in-house, we ensure a closed-loop system that not only supports our beef production but also enhances the sustainability of our farming practices.

Excellence in Feeding Practices

Focusing on yearling domestic cattle, we’ve refined our feeding practices to ensure that every animal meets the highest standards of quality. This dedication to excellence has resulted in an astonishing 99.7 percent of our steers meeting MSA grading criteria, with equally impressive scores in weight and fat specifications. Our choice to feed steers exclusively, sourced from a vast catchment area along WA’s South Coast, has contributed significantly to the consistency and quality of our produce.

A Forward-Looking Partnership

Our long standing partnership with Woolworths is built on a foundation of mutual respect and a shared commitment to quality. This relationship not only provides a stable base for our operations but also allows us to innovate and excel in an industry known for its volatility. Woolworths’ recognition of our efforts is a testament to the hard work of our small but dedicated team, led by yard manager Brett Page. Together, we celebrate this achievement and look forward to continuing our journey towards excellence and sustainability.

Gratitude and Looking Ahead

We extend our heartfelt thanks to Woolworths and Greenstock beef strategic sourcing manager Sam Ditchfield for this honor and for the rewarding partnership over the last 47 years. This award is not just for Stirling Ranges Beef but for Western Australia and the beef industry at large. It reaffirms our commitment to producing high-quality beef that meets and exceeds expectations, consistently.

As we bask in the pride of this achievement, we are reminded of the journey ahead. Our own Stirling Ranges beef brand, which has been recognized with silver medals at the Sydney Royal Fine Foods Awards and gold, silver, and bronze at the Perth Royal Show’s branded beef competition, stands as a symbol of our dedication to quality and excellence.


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